So, I have recently become totally hyper-social.
I mean those of you who know me know that I am social, but lately I have been addictively social. It’s so good. I mean I have met some of the most incredible people, seen some of the coolest (and craziest, i mean nuts-bar) things. For crying out loud, I had meetings in
But it’s really about people. People make the experiences.
AND, we have the privilege of knowing people.
And guess what, they are everywhere.
What a wonder.
I mean have you really thought about that. We have the ability to connect to one another. Seriously, wow.
I was in
Here is what occurred to me that week that has come into real fruition.
We need to un-numb ourselves from the numbness. Those are important people. During that week I went from stranger to friend with a great guy in
My business partners (they are so much more than this to me now, they are true family and proof that business can be deep life stuff) and I became trusting friends bound together with a common purpose. We went to meeting after meeting after meeting. Uptown, downtown,
We have to connect to each other, because people are worth it. People are special. We have the privilege of doing this. And we take it for granted. Connection to each other (and I would argue to God especially) is what makes us truly alive. I think this needs to be more clear in our hearts and minds. It needs to make us long to do more, to meet more need, to connect to people. We need to give whatever we got, a good sense of humor, money, time, a good idea, whatever. There is always someone who needs what you have.
I am convinced that it is always our job to take care of those around us.
To be there, to ask hard questions and wait for REAL answers, to love regardless of what is happening, to offer to have dinner, to send an email, to speak words of love and encouragement. Build always, never tear down.
When it’s hard, build anyway.
Look back on the stuff you have made, and the people you have had the privilege of knowing, and celebrate.
I know this guy who does this stuff really well. He is a kick ass party thrower. He has a party for something almost every night at his house. (this in itself is a feat! But wait, there’s more!) He always has a great house, great food, and maybe more important to me these days, really great wine (I am thinking of doing a whole blog on how incredible the invention of wine is right now…don’t get me started). He knows how to do it.
But the kicker for me is totally different. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love a good celebration.
This guy is special. He just takes care of people.
He always creates a place that makes people fit in. We all laugh, tell stories, I mean sit at a true table of communion. This guy, he sees the good in people, he gives freely his goodness, his wealth. He always has a room for the guy who needs a bed and a hot meal. He takes care of his friends. He is friends with his ex-wife. I have the privilege of calling him a friend these days. I really mean this. (p.s. “I also get invited over for these parties a lot too, which is nice,” said in the voice of Bill Murray in Caddyshack ).
We need to be like this. We need to know what is going on in our circles, we need to fill in the gaps.
Just take care of people, give an abundance of yourself. People need you. And the thing is; you (and especially me) need it to.
I think we become so much less human when we are selfish. I know I do.
In the last 3 years there has always been someone living with my wife and I. What a lesson on being selfish. You really see your true colors when your privacy is given away. You see how you feel like you own things, and place that over the importance of people. You are exposed to some of the raw humanness that you really have in your bones. It’s tough.
But giving, and meeting need, and taking care of people, makes you a better human. It has made me a better human. I value stuff much less these days. I have been taught so much about life through the perspectives of those who hurt. I have figured out how to truly value my wife and make her a priority. You know, God teaches in the tough times when we are stretched. I can absolutely say that the last three years of my existence have been the most challenging and definitely the best. My perspective has been shifted.
I will close up with one of the best experiences I have ever had hopefully it will give a picture of what I mean. (forgive me those of you that have heard this already)
Two years ago I was in
Welcome to
After a few brushes with death disguised as a semi, I come up on a lady who is obviously trying to make it to the airport too. I see her, and man is she struggling. She has too much stuff. She weighs about 90 pounds, she is looking like she is going to fall apart. And life and the world are moving along around her, ignoring her. As did I. I saw her, and walked past her.
Then I just stopped. My world closed in. Things slowed down.
Seriously I remember this in slow motion. One of those moments. I un-numbed myself. She was a real person. She was alone. She needed help. I let my friend go ahead without me, I picked up her bags, and walked slowly next to her for a mile to the airport. We didn’t say anything I just walked behind her and went at her pace. We got to the airport, I went in, took her things to the counter, and she put everything on a cart and disappeared.
That’s about when I realized that I was originally late for my flight. I hauled up to my counter to check in. My flight was delayed just long enough to get me through security and on the plane as it was taking off. Incredible what happens in this world. Just incredible. We just don’t stop to see it, or to see each other.
It’s really about people.